Sunday, January 14, 2007

Silent Night Step By Step

Here is the original sketch completed with felt tip pen and gray marker. This is the stage where I work out the composition for the painting. A number of sketches were completed so I could work out various compositional experiments.

Since this was to be a night or dusk scene, the values were pushed a few steps darker. No white paper would be visible. My target value pattern was a dark shape surrounding a light area (the roof).

I completely soaked the paper and dried the church steeple area by blotting it with a cloth. I loosely applied the sky keeping in mind that I wanted it dark and that it would dry lighter. I gradated the sky from dark to a lighter area on the right hand side. I also changed the color for the sake of variety. I also added a yellow and red lightly and loosely in the snow area. This was also for variety.

A yellow and red was was added in the window areas of the church. This same wash was also added where the luminaries light the path to the church.

The treeline was added varying the color as I went.

Washes were added to the church to define the light and shadow sides. These washes were also varied.

More detail was added to further define shapes.

This is the final. It was used for our family Christmas card. The church is based on our church that we attend. The steeple was changed to show the steeple originally built with the church. Our church puts out luminarias every Christmas eve. When there has been a fresh snow, the reflections of the warm light against the snow is such an inviting view.


Blogger Art and Poetry said...

This is very interesting and the painting is lovely!

5:28 AM  

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